Category: Stories

Insights collection @ BrandRo2024

In the last year’s presentation on BrandRo we talked about how Romanians are evolving and gaining more trust and self-confidence. This trend is continuing in 2024 as well, as we observe the people’s tendency of describing themselves in a more positive tone, starting to put less focus on their critical side. We are hardworking, creative, welcoming and friendly much more than detached, vain or dishonest

The positive attitude is reflected also in the way they view Romanian brands that gain more and more favourability one year from another.

They trust them as providing quality and bringing value into their life. They are not simply a ‘cheaper” option but a better for me one. And although the tendency of associating Ro Brand with food &drink is present, the research and the top show that we have powerful brands in a wide variety of industries – e-commerce, delivery, white goods etc. This is another indication of Romanian’s growth and evolution as local businesses start to diversify and increase in number

How do you perceive Romanian brands

“But is this positive attitude reflected in their behavior?” is a question we hear often, especially when we tackle this topic of Ro Brand. We can honestly answer: “Yes, it is!” If in the past the behavior was not always matching their attitude (people wanted to do things but feared to do it),today, we heal our traumas and gain more confidence, we act more in accordance with our intentions, in an assumed way. So, yes, people did buy more Romanian brands in 2024 versus 2023. Choosing local is part of people’s personal evolution and growth

Still, there is an important message people are transmitting – being a Romanian brandis not enough. Just clinging on the message of national affiliation is insufficient now that people have a lot of choices

More than nationalism people look for the promise of VALUE brands can bring in their life. They need brands which is aligned to their values and brands with a vision and a mission. They need to know how brands can make their life better –more beautiful, healthier, brighter etc. They need brands that put people in their center, that knows them and thinks about them  instead of just talking about their national affiliation

So think again when considering you package or your next campaign and promo- do people really need another brand “waving” the Romanian flag or do they need a relevant story?


Camelia Petrescu - Unlock Research

Camelia Petrescu

Content Creator

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Your Mind Impacts Your Business

Romanian entrepreneurial spirit is on its rise, but has been there all along country’s past, numbed by historical events that continuously blocked people’s potential for growth

Romanians are genuinely born explorers, people with creative minds and lots of good ideas which they often failed to implement given the lack of trust and encouragement they faced day by day within Romanian society.

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The friendly shadows of Generation Z

On the other hand, organizations have the need for integrating in IT departments new technologies often using cloud services and other ways of direct access to the web. This pressure for IT departments to give…

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Romanians vs Money: Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf?

On the other hand, organizations have the need for integrating in IT departments new technologies often using cloud services and other ways of direct access to the web. This pressure for IT departments to give…

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The first study on gastronomic cultural identity: Romanian food has a great potential for reinvention

Romanian cuisine is going through a period of adaptation and transformation, in which it takes care of its present and prepares its future. Specialists in the field of gastronomy show an active concern in this regard and come up with initiatives and solutions. However, what is the state of Romanian consumers when they think about Romanian food? How many still cook or eat from what we call a traditional menu? How much importance do you attach to Romanian cuisine? These are some of the aspects we want to elucidate using a concentrated sample of diverse people, interested in cooking and food in general

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Meet the colors of the Romanian mind

From passionate red to doubtful gray, colour is a cultural code

In the book “The theory of colors”, Goethe wrote that in reality the color is a subjective phenomenon, not purely scientific. In his opinion the color is created by the interaction between the physical behaviour of the world and the perceptual system of people. He clustered the colors, for example, into ”plus” tones (red, orange, yellow) that trigger positivity and joie de vivre and “minus” colors (blue, green, violet) that induce anxiety and stress. He might have wanted to build a psychological theory of colors, rather than a physiological one.

We were very much inspired by books we read about the theory of colors, but also by the numerous qualitative researches we conducted on various visual materials, working with the perceptions of people and trying to uncover the true meaning of their choices. Because most of the time the choice is made by the energy the material transmits to people, usually through colors, conditioned by the emotional predisposition of the people in the specific culture to relate to that type of energy. Afterall, we see the world through very complex lens, where all our emotions, culture, age, sex, religion, passions or personal experiences blend. Within this universe, like Pastoureau said “the colour is, firstly, a social construct”

Inspired by these thoughts, we wanted to uncover some parts of the colours of the Romanian soul. How colours are felt by Romanians? Which are the sources of positivity or negativity? How is that linked to our cultural body and soul? We consequently conducted a quantitative survey on 100 people aged 18-55, men and women, general population, and the results surprised us through consistency.

Some key interesting findings resulting from research:

  1. We register the stronger associations in the area of non – colours (white, black, Gray). Whereas it is very clear to people what white or black stand for, they seem to have a rather tensioned relationship with Gray nuances, associating them with indecisions or indifference. The Gray area induces anxiety and very few linked it to maturity, complexity and intelligence. That could be an interesting indication of the level of maturity or openness to risk of the Romanians, where the less obvious is automatically doubtful (Gray area is a negative place)
  2. Violet and black stand for status, prestige and elegance, they are seen as choices of the bold, the dominant ones. It is interesting to note that none was associated to power, but rather social status attributes: elegance, luxury, pretentious, which could be an indication of the need for social validation Romanians need (not precisely the power, as people do not want to responsibility accompanying it)
  3. Red seems to be the colour that received the highest association score with an attribute: passion. It is also one of the few that got a negative association on top three attributes: danger.  
    Following passions implies danger, that’s up to the individual to set his priorities right.
  4. Yellow is the third colour that received a negative connotation – jealousy / envy – yet it is not sure how much of this connotation is settled by social norms or coming from authentic perceptual value of the colour.
  5. Another controversial colour is, as a paradox, brown. People seem to perceived the energy of the nuance as flat & common, not interesting at all, even boring. They tend to move away from the earthy, warm, familiar feeling brown might induce, which could be explained by the extroverted, social and exploratory side of the Romanians, always looking for a better, shinier place to live in. Home sweet home could work for a while, yet not too long. Accepting and embracing the value of brown in our lives might be a source of emotional stability and resilience to change
  6. The study also shows that Romanians have a very good and positive connections with colours such as green (nature, life, health), blue (stating for relaxation) or orange (positive energy, enthusiasm, optimism). We could feel that this is the visual core of the Romanian perceptual soul: sun, water, nature, natural sources of positive energy, where there is no negativity or doubt
  7. Pink has a rather universal meaning for Romanians (as everywhere on the Globe), the symbol of fragility  and innocence. One can never get upset with something   that’s pink, yet neither can take it seriously
  8. White means faith and purity, it is a 100% commitment to living a life in light & love, which is highly admirative, yet difficult to achieve


Adina Vlad - Unlock Research

Adina Vlad

Founder & Content Creator

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Re-parenting Romania

What do parenting and cultures have in common? The simplest most straightforward answer will be “A lot! Everything”. But we are not settled with this and we go deeper in our analysis.

Every culture is characterized, and distinguished from other cultures, by deep-rooted and widely acknowledged ideas about how one needs to feel, think, and act as a functioning member of the culture.

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