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Game changers interviews

Weekend Sessions: The Quietest Bravest Bucharest Festival

One of the most consistent and strong trends in the last couple of years is the one called „Self seeking” which manifests through the increasing tendency of people to look first at their inner world and who they are before they relate to outer world. Two years ago in Bucharest, Weekend Sessions appeared like a quiet festival meant to offer people the opportunity to manifest this self care in a public place, along others.„The nicest festival in open air” took place in a very special place in the city, the botanical garden. Silvia Floares, the founding partner of the festival, talked to us about the need and benefits of such an event in a dialogue with Adina Vlad. Later in 2023 Adina, Silvia and Robert met again and discussed about the future of the festival in a video interview we invite you to enjoy. The game changers never stop!

Adina Vlad - Unlock Research
Adina Vlad

Founder & Content Creator

Conil: All the kids come in the world to teach us things, not the other way around

Amplified tolerance and empathy are two important trends in 2023, in a Romanian society that is continuously evolving at all levels and by the good-hearted spirit of Romanians. Conil school is an example of social evolution that happens when people gather around a goal and make the change all together, fighting the boundaries of human weaknesses

Adina Vlad - Unlock Research
Adina Vlad

Founder & Content Creator

Stiinta Bucuresti: Sports are amazing through everything happening around them, not just in the field

“Game Changers” conversations bring to light the stories of people who are too busy to do special things and change the world to promote themselves. Yet we believe that drop by drop an ocean has been built and it is important to be inspired by people who fight for their dream. In today’s episode we will meet Stiinta sports club through a dialogue between Vlad Andronescu, manager basketball division, and Andreea Lupu, contributor Empath

Andreea Lupu


Look4Loops (Canada) - the broad business opportunities of circular economy

Rethink business models? Rethink sustainability? Rethink the idea of growth? All of them and even something more: rethink the way we are understanding life and our impact on the environment. We are not suspended in time and space but anchored in nature. It is time to try making our world a more sustainable place for living, for us, and for the future.

Alec Bălășescu

Founder & Content Creator

CoalitionWILD (USA): How can we protect the planet from us?

We should not talk about saving planet or nature, but we’d rather consider to save our own future on this planet. We need to ask ourselves: in which world we’d like to live in the future? Nature is not a 3rd party we just relate to, but it is the fundamental share of our origin. Reconnecting with nature prepare ourselves for a better reaction when it comes to manage our relationship with the environment.

Alec Bălășescu

Founder & Content Creator
